Saturday, October 1, 2011

So What Do You Do Again? – The Life of A Website Consultant

When you meet new people often the topic of conversation comes up around what we do for a “day job”.  One of my day jobs is a website consultant and website writer which most people (and I did the same before I started) look at you and wonder what the hell that is?

Well in a nut shell a website consultant advises website owners what their website needs to get a better hit rate.  Some website consultants are technical experts and others like me are quality content experts but both focus on making sure those people who have invested time in getting a website start to see results.

I feel bad for people who have spent a lot of money on a website and yet still are frustrated that they don’t seem to be getting any hits.  Most of these people don’t understand (and once again nor did I) that there are parts to a website business just the same as any other offline business. 

The website developer and designer will build you the website and sometimes do the marketing part or at least out source it but most of the people I have come across thought that website developers always  handled the business website marketing.  And this is where the frustration comes in.

What those frustrated website owners need to be aware of and I wish I could tell them this right at the beginning, is that they will also need a website consultant who can help them market their site.  Search engine optimization consultants will help website owners understand the power of quality content and offer quality content writing as part of a website marketing package.

One of the best parts of being a website consultant or being in charge of writing web content is how you can empower others.  When website owners can see what quality content does for their site they can easily start writing quality content themselves. 

When website owners find a great website consultant or SEO services who will not only get clicks coming onto a site but will create results in sales then they then begin to understand why it is so important to work on Internet Marketing.

At Cherie Hawkins offers expertise to work on the content part of your site both as a website writer and a website consultant.  Business website marketing is an important step towards getting sales from your website and will create an excitement when you start to see those clicks coming through.  You know that feeling you get when you see an enquiry appear in your in box? – that is what a website consultant and website writer will do for you!

Friday, September 30, 2011

The Importance of Family Photography – Oh I remember that!

Just the other day as I was working on my new favourite website, and Helen and I got to talking about why a great family portrait photographer is just so important.  I started to think about a great family photo of myself and my two brothers, one older and one younger.

It is an awesome family shot – black and white I might add, that really speaks volumes and to this day I remember that photo being taken.  We were made to feel so special by my parents chosen family photographer and it is such a special keepsake that I now have the original  and will share copies of with my two brothers. 

There is my younger brother so gorgeous as a chubby , cute little four year old holding two of his little fingers and wearing a cool tee shirt with My Grandma Loves Me which she still does at the age of 95!  My younger  brother has now reached the grand old age of 40 and lives in Shanghai with his own beautiful family and I am so proud of him.  Here in this family photo I was just as proud because he really is just so cute and his sweetness has been cleverly snapped by our family photographer.

My older brother looks all serious as he was the one in the family who has and always has done hated having his photo taken but I think the photographer did a fab job of making him feel as relaxed as possible.  This is something I know Helen does extremely well as she has her own treasured family and has worked really hard to become a really skillful family portrait photographer.  My older brother now lives in Sydney and surprisingly I think we miss each other!  I love him dearly and I hope he really does know this as he is incredibly special.

In the middle because that is what I am “a middle child” is me.  I have the famous shaggy hair do of the 70’s and the dress I am wearing was bright pink, these days you would call it fluero.  Long knee length white socks with sandles finished off the ensemble and even though that sounds foul I love this family photo. 

When you have a family photo on the wall or in your album only you will understand the complexities your own family had but with mine I can just see love.  As a kid growing up a family photo isn’t much really, you just take it for granted.  As an adult a family photo is one of the most precious things in the world.  You know that game you play when you ask yourself what would you save in a fire after your family?  Well mine would be the DVD’s of my kids and my precious family photos taken by a truly magical family portrait photographer.  Whoever you are – I thank you from the bottom of my heart. X

At you will find an incredibly talented and special family portrait photographer in Helen.  What do I see when I see her family photos?  Mainly love actually.   Love that crosses generations and joins families together forever.  Family photography is so special and so is Helen Chapman Photography.

Sunday, June 5, 2011

Why Do People Search for Freelance Employment?

The list may be long but there are many reasons people search for freelance employment and for me as a freelance writer I think it had something to do with the word free!  Of course, not providing freelance writing for free – that would be nuts – but enjoying the free-dom to choose how and when I work.

Freelance employment allows people to earn extra income that jobs used to provide.  With the global economic crisis whether you work full time, part time or freelance you have to think of ways to earn extra income and enjoy your life along the way, and that is the greatest gift of freelance employment.

If you are searching for freelance employment don’t think it isn’t hard work because it can be but it can also be hugely satisfying.  One of the most important things to remember is time management but most people who work from home have great time management skills and if they don’t they soon will! 

One way to find freelance employment is to search online, easy isn’t it!  Just always remember as a freelancer to supply quality, expert material and you will have a winning formula.  Communicate regularly with your customers and give them updates on where you are at with the project so they are reassured you are on track. 

Make sure you both understand right from the beginning what is expected.  Send them samples to begin with so they have the opportunity to tweak anything at the start rather than at the end.  Freelance employment relies on a good rapport between freelancer and customer so make sure you have all those excellent relationship management skills up your sleeve to use .

Freelance employment could be your ticket to finally be your own boss and once you learn how it’s done you can escape the 9 – 5 but still earn valuable income today!

check out today to find out how freelancers work and to learn how to become a freelance writer.  Freelance writing will help you escape 9 - 5 and will give you the freedom to create freelance employment.  Start today!

Freelance Writer Wish List!

Being a freelance writer, mainly writing for websites and Internet Marketing, I am going back to the drawing board and finally doing two things I love the most - helping others become successful whilst I enjoy the success too, and writing incredible website content.

What I figure is I love coaching and I love writing for websites so why not mix the two together and create my very own brand and products that will help others, especially stay at home parents, who want to discover all the secrets of a happy freelancer.  What better way to help others and myself become more financially secure and discover what all this freelance stuff is all about.

Over three years ago I started my journey where two mothers gave me the ideas and the inspiration to become a freelance writer.  Before that I knew very little of the freelance world, instead working full time trying to raise two kids with my husband but I knew there was something else I could do.

I loved working but wanted more time for the family because I didn't want to look back and think I had missed out somewhere.  So my story will be told in my new to be released CD so other mums and dads like me can have more choice and have the opportunity to raise more income.  Watch this space and if you want anything included just drop me an email and I will do my best!

Cherie Hawkins (me!) is a happy freelance writer who specialises in website writing.  Happy to share her secrets on how she became a freelance writer three years ago she will share her top tips and her don't dos - the ones she learnt the hard way.  Just think if you visit today at you will be the first to find out the secrets of a happy freelancer!