Friday, September 30, 2011

The Importance of Family Photography – Oh I remember that!

Just the other day as I was working on my new favourite website, and Helen and I got to talking about why a great family portrait photographer is just so important.  I started to think about a great family photo of myself and my two brothers, one older and one younger.

It is an awesome family shot – black and white I might add, that really speaks volumes and to this day I remember that photo being taken.  We were made to feel so special by my parents chosen family photographer and it is such a special keepsake that I now have the original  and will share copies of with my two brothers. 

There is my younger brother so gorgeous as a chubby , cute little four year old holding two of his little fingers and wearing a cool tee shirt with My Grandma Loves Me which she still does at the age of 95!  My younger  brother has now reached the grand old age of 40 and lives in Shanghai with his own beautiful family and I am so proud of him.  Here in this family photo I was just as proud because he really is just so cute and his sweetness has been cleverly snapped by our family photographer.

My older brother looks all serious as he was the one in the family who has and always has done hated having his photo taken but I think the photographer did a fab job of making him feel as relaxed as possible.  This is something I know Helen does extremely well as she has her own treasured family and has worked really hard to become a really skillful family portrait photographer.  My older brother now lives in Sydney and surprisingly I think we miss each other!  I love him dearly and I hope he really does know this as he is incredibly special.

In the middle because that is what I am “a middle child” is me.  I have the famous shaggy hair do of the 70’s and the dress I am wearing was bright pink, these days you would call it fluero.  Long knee length white socks with sandles finished off the ensemble and even though that sounds foul I love this family photo. 

When you have a family photo on the wall or in your album only you will understand the complexities your own family had but with mine I can just see love.  As a kid growing up a family photo isn’t much really, you just take it for granted.  As an adult a family photo is one of the most precious things in the world.  You know that game you play when you ask yourself what would you save in a fire after your family?  Well mine would be the DVD’s of my kids and my precious family photos taken by a truly magical family portrait photographer.  Whoever you are – I thank you from the bottom of my heart. X

At you will find an incredibly talented and special family portrait photographer in Helen.  What do I see when I see her family photos?  Mainly love actually.   Love that crosses generations and joins families together forever.  Family photography is so special and so is Helen Chapman Photography.