Monday, July 1, 2013

Day One

Today is the first day of "Dry July", where you abstain from alcohol for a month and raise money for cancer.  Now those who know me know I like my red wine so I am up for the challenge of going to head to head with my own head!  Hope that makes sense and if it doesn't then read on.

I thought to make it easier and because I am an optimist I am going to make lists of all the wonderful things I enjoy, hopefully everyday so here goes.

All the things I enjoyed today ...
1. Walk along the beach with hubby
2. Nice hot coffee and banana cake at the local cafe
3. Dropping off doughnuts to my boy's class for their shared lunch
4. The beautiful sound of tuis in the trees
5. Darlene's speech (daughter's best friend reading out her speech about body image in the car on the way home - brilliant!)
6. My husband painting our son's science board just the right shade of yellow (don't go there - you know that science fair project your kid gets that somehow ends up part yours)
7. My darling daughter getting merit in her geography project about Nelson Mandela
8. Being asked to write about swimming with the dolphins - loving all the research about this. I can feel myself becoming a bit of a wild dolphin activist.

Tomorrow I can't wait to have another list of great things I got to enjoy!

Why not visit me at for all your website writing services?  Working in this fun and creative industry I get to write about all sorts of amazing services and products to promote websites.  This week I am lucky enough to write about dolphins and natural skincare and load some content onto a site about concrete.  Next week I am booked for financial services and mechanics (now you get the head to head with my own head right!)