Sunday, March 4, 2012

Some Pig!!

Charlottes's Web must have been my all time favourite book as a little girl growing up, another fine example of girl meets pig, girl falls in love with pig and saves pig.  No, this blog is not about my love life - thank goodness but a little tale (sorry no more pig jokes I promise) about how you can create a wonderful web (site) with the beauty of writing web page content the right way.

The web is all about creating a piece of work you can be proud of.  Your website is a reflection of who you are and how you like to do business.  If you like me loved Charlotte's Web then chances are you like to "save the world".  When you are writing web page content why not have a section that tells your customers how you "save the world"?

I have seen hundreds of CV's and job applications over my time in HR and I tell you those who tell me they have volunteered for this and that join the pile with those who have other skills.  Remember understand your market when you write web content, who are you talking to?, who do you want to interact with?

You see social media is a great way to interact with others and share news but your web content can do the same.  If you have something truly wonderful to say about yourself or your business then for Wilbur's and Charlotte's sake just say it and make it stand out!!


Visit me now on and you will find out heaps of ways to write and how to make your special and delicate website stand out.  We will weave our magic together and come up with the most stunning and boastful web page content that you will be proud of!

Saturday, March 3, 2012

Web Writing - The Law of Attraction

A good suggestion if you are writing fresh content for your website or for regular blogs is to remember you need to take your readers on the journey with you.  If you sell uniforms for example of course you need to talk about the special features of each item but you also need to tell the reader about how smart they will look in their new kit, how impressive your team will look stepping out onto the field etc.  This is all part of the art of selling.

Great copywriters like Joseph Sugarman call it The Psycholgical Triggers.  One of the best copywriting books of all time is his book titled The Adweek Copywriting Handbook.  I highly recommed it to writers, business owners, website owners who are thinking of continuously putting together powerful copy as an advertising strategy.

Personally as a marketing tool being able to "see into the minds" of your market is a powerful way of relating to them and being able to provide them with the best service or outstanding product.  Of course writing web page content has to include those keywords or keyword phrases but it should also relate to your readers "problem" and then provide a solution.

Imagine your website copy is like your best sales person in your store.  Your website copy is the expert and is there to provide friendly, warm assistance to your valued customers who come through your door.  Your website copy needs to direct them to the right service or product to make your customers visit as pleasant and as easy as possible.

There is nothing worse than bad customer service and if you don't have  helpful web page content then this is exactly what you are doing - giving bad customer service!