Friday, November 23, 2012

What is a Copywriter?

Copywriting is the art of writing marketing and advertising copy that engages, informs and inspires readers to take a certain action.

A copywriter is usually someone who has a wide interest in everything and anything, from the random to political.  As a copywriter and as a SEO copywriter I love research and I love strategy because it gives me such interesting information, so I can really get to understand my market.

I love the beach but I also love big cities.  I love to observe people and look at interesting buildings, imagining what goes on behind closed doors in the past and in the present.  I love art galleries and l love tattoos because they show a creative genius that as an observer I can experience.

I spent six months trying to learn Russian, why - because it is different and it ended up being incredible fun and I would love to visit that amazing land one day. This intense curiosity enables me to create  copywriting services because I get so excited learning new topics and meeting new people.

One of the best parts of being a copywriter is meeting incredible people I get to write for.  Their businesses are unique not because of what they do but because of who they are.  I try and ensure as a copywriter I inject their personalities into the copy because this is ethical and credible, two of the most important values as a copywriter.

A copywriter who has strategic communication skills relies on a number of strengths - knowledge, creativity, research, analytical technique and listening.

As the owner/Chief Copywriter at I am curious about what makes you and your business tick.  I want to hear what drives you, what inspires you and all those wonderful things that make you unique.  Then I will provide copywriting that has your own personal DNA stamp.